Plashet School

Community Equality Achievement

Code of Conduct

At Plashet we encourage mutual respect between students and staff. Poor behaviour undermines this by damaging the trust that underpins all relationships in the school and by wasting valuable learning time. Our expectations are clearly defined below.

If the Code of Conduct is infringed, sanctions will always be fair and appropriate to the poor choices made by the individual. Families will be informed if their daughter’s behaviour gives cause for concern and the school expects to work in partnership with parents to improve the student’s commitment to learning and support her to succeed.

What follows is our set of expectations regarding student conduct, namely, that our students will behave in such a way as to:

  • Demonstrate their commitment to courtesy as an important personal quality.
  • Enable learning to happen.
  • Promote their own achievement and that of others.
  • Celebrate their own achievements and those of others.
  • Reinforce our sense of all being members of a single school community by the way they treat each other. Young women at Plashet should be kind and work together to prevent meanness and bullying behaviours.
  • Promote the care of the school environment and resources.
  • Promote the reputation of the school in the community.
  • Ensure the safety of ourselves and others.

Members of the Plashet School community should show respect, courtesy and consideration for:

  • Other people, regardless of their religion, culture, race, gender, sexual orientation or ability. They should do this physically in person but also when communicating online.
  • The school site, buildings and resources.
  • Our neighbours and community.
  • Other people’s property.

Members of the school community should, at all times, behave in a sensible and safe manner.

This includes:

  • not leaving the school premises during the school day without permission from both their family and the school.
  • not bring cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, weapons or hazardous substances into school.
  • leaving large amounts of money at home and ensuring mobile phones/devices/headphones are not seen or heard whilst on school premises.

Code of Conduct Aims

To ensure that all staff have high expectations of all students and that every student has access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which meets their needs and offers opportunities to succeed.

  • To ensure that Plashet School offers a safe, welcoming and stimulating environment which reflects the cultural and social diversity of our community and the gender of our students.
  • To encourage all students to develop positive personal, cultural and social diversity through the valuing and celebration of achievements and of cultural and/or religious events.
  • To value and reflect the linguistic, religious and cultural diversity of our school community in all aspects of the curriculum, taught and hidden.
  • To promote a positive atmosphere of understanding, tolerance and respect for all members of the school community.
  • To raise awareness with staff and students of discriminatory or stereotypical practices and misconceptions and to challenge them whenever they occur.
  • To ensure that all students leave Plashet School equipped to pursue a fulfilling social and working life and be able to participate fully in society.
  • To ensure that the taught curriculum reflects a multicultural society and world and offers students the opportunities to draw on their own experiences (and those of their families), to understand the academic and social contributions made by different groups to society and examine issues from different perspectives.
  • To ensure that all members of the Plashet School community, particularly parents/carers, feel valued and welcomed in the school and be able to participate fully in school activities.

The School Will:

  • provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment that is true to our mission, inclusive ethos and seeks to safeguard our young women in the 21st
  • support the development of your daughter by fostering the value of respect in School.
  • provide an inclusive educational offer that ensures equality of access for all.
  • support the development of exemplary young leaders who uphold the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association.
  • encourage the highest expectations of our students. We will expect your daughter to attend school on time every day, ready to learn and keen to achieve.
  • deliver a high powered, knowledge-based academic curriculum and set challenging academic targets that are appropriate to your daughter’s ability and aspirations.
  • inform you on a regular basis about your daughter’s progress towards these targets, in an easily understandable form.
  • ensure carefully focussed teaching and that lessons are well-planned and structured, and cater for your daughter’s specific needs and ability.
  • ensure that work is assessed regularly and positive feedback is given to your daughter on their progress and how they can improve further.
  • organise and deliver intervention and revision sessions for your daughter where we feel that this is needed to help them reach the best possible grades.
  • offer a rich and diverse leadership programme that grows character and inspires charitable and social action.
  • arrange regular opportunities to meet with teachers to discuss your daughter’s progress.
  • support your daughter to use the internet safely and sensibly so that it does not bring harm to her or others.
  • support your daughter to overcome any problems that hinder her learning and her personal development.
  • make arrangements to meet with you within a reasonable time if you wish to come into school to discuss any matter.

Students will:

  • respect the mission and ethos of the school.
  • demonstrate respect at all times and follow the ‘Code of Conduct’ in my school planner.
  • promote the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association and reject all forms of discrimination.
  • attend every day, and arrive on time.
  • dress correctly for school, including on all visits, and bring the necessary equipment each day.
  • aim for the best possible standards in my studies and work to my full potential in all subjects.
  • attend all intervention or revision sessions identified for me punctually.
  • complete home study on time, to the best of my ability.
  • care for the school environment and the environment in a wider sense.
  • ensure that I use the internet safely and sensibly so that it does not bring harm to me or others.
  • show my parent/carer my planner each week and remember to take home all messages, letters given by my Form Tutor and/or other members of staff.

Parents/Carers will:

  • respect the mission and ethos of the school and support the school’s Code of Conduct.
  • support the School by promoting the value of respect and attending parents’ events offered by the School.
  • promote the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association and reject all forms of discrimination.
  • support the School’s efforts by encouraging the best possible standards in my daughter’s studies.
  • ensure my daughter attends school every day, and arrives on time.
  • ensure my daughter punctually attends all intervention and revision sessions identified for her (these sessions are before or after school, at weekends or during school holidays).
  • arrange all medical and dentist appointments after school or during school holiday time to ensure my daughter does not miss any learning time.
  • organise family holidays outside of term-time so that no learning in school is missed.
  • support the school’s Home Study Policy by providing a quiet working area at home for my daughter to study.
  • ensure my daughter arrives at school appropriately dressed and with the correct equipment every day.
  • ensure my daughter uses the internet safely and sensibly so that it does not bring harm to her or others.
  • attend all meetings as needed to discuss my daughter’s progress and welfare.
  • discuss my daughter’s learning/progress with her regularly and sign her planner each week.
  • contact the School if I have any concerns about my daughter’s progress or welfare.
  • agree that my daughter will take part in all areas of the curriculum.
  • ensure the School has my/our up-to-date contact details as well as those of two other family members to enable them to make contact with me/us in an emergency.