Plashet School

Community Equality Achievement


Introduction to Sociology

Sociology is the study of people in society. The aim of Sociology is to try to explain why different people behave in different ways and how our lives are shaped by factors such as our social class (wealth), gender and ethnicity.

This subject is offered at the end of KS3 (Yr 9) and KS4.

Exam board and Syllabus: Eduqas Sociology (C200QS)

Students study the following topics;

Year 9

  • What is society? – Students begin to understand what society is as well as the groups that make up society and how society is managed. They begin to look at prejudice and discrimination within the groups as well as how it can affect their life chances.
  • How individuals learn how to fit into society- Students learn how various agencies teach individuals how to be part of society in terms of behaviour, gender, identity etc and what happens if an individual is not socialised.
  • Perspectives- Students gain a basic understanding of the different schools of thought within Sociology and are given the opportunity to evaluate them.
  • How do Sociologists gather their information?- Students gain a brief understanding of the process of conducting research. They begin to understand the impact that research can have, as well as understanding how research and statistics can be manipulated for one’s benefit and how to identify bias.

Year 10

Applied methods of sociological enquiry-Students are given hypothetical scenarios and they are asked to justify using certain methods, sampling techniques for instance as well dealing with ethical and practical issues.

  • Families-we look at the different types of families that exist, along with the changing relationships within families and how it has been shaped by law as well as other factors.
  • Education- We explore the purpose of education and how achievement in education is influenced by our social class, gender and ethnicity.
  • Social Inequality – This unit involves examining how people’s lives are affected by the amount of money they have, their gender and ethnicity.

Year 11

  • Crime and deviance- we explore different theories around why some people commit crime, what the criminal statistics suggest and what effect this has on society.
  • Power – Students focus on different groups who have control over others, whether it was through coercion, ignorance or election. Some of the groups include; the government, the bourgeoisie, patriarchal societies etc.

How students will be assessed

There are two 105 minute exams.

  • Paper 1; Understanding social processes – Key concepts and processes of cultural transmission, Sociological research methods, Education and Families
  • Paper 2; Understanding social structures – Crime & deviance, Social differentiation and stratification, Applied methods of sociological enquiry.
  • They will be assessed on their understanding of reading and interpreting sources and statistics.
  • They will be expected to demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and research.
  • They will be judged on how well they can make links between topics.
  • They will be assessed on their ability to evaluate within an essay format.

Enrichment opportunities

The Sociology department strive to go on one visit in Year 9 and one in Year 10. Furthermore, we also aspire to deliver a masterclass for Year 10 and Year 11.

Recent trips that we have attended are; The Royal Courts of Justice, Museum of the home, The Ragged School Museum, Museum of Brands and V and A Childhood Museum.

Recent masterclasses that we have delivered have been on research methods, the pros and cons of private schools, how a law is passed and  the pros and cons of different types of schools.
