Complaints Procedure
We hope that the school can resolve any complaints that parents may have. If a parent/carer is unhappy about something in the school she/he should email the School on with a request to speak on the phone to the relevant Year Coordinator for pastoral matters or Subject Leader for subject specific issues. Parents/carers should always put their daughter’s name and Tutor Group in the subject line of all emails.
We find that most complaints are dealt with successfully at this informal level.
If a parent/carer wishes, she/he can make an appointment to see a member of the Leadership Team.
If the matter has still not been resolved to a parent’s satisfaction, an appointment can be made to see the Head Teacher.
If a parent/carer wishes to take the matter further there are formal routes depending on the nature of the complaint.
Curriculum complaints
Parents/Carers have the right to make a complaint about:
- Curriculum provision, including R.E. and collective worship;
- The implementation of the National Curriculum;
- The availability of external qualifications;
- Exemptions from the National Curriculum;
- The operation of charging policies;
- The provision of specific information about the school and the curriculum
The complaint must go first to the Head Teacher. If the complaint cannot be resolved it may be necessary to forward it to the Governing Body, through the Principal Officer for Governing Body’s Administration. Plashet’s Governing Body will then consider the complaint.
If the complaint is not resolved by the Governing Body it may then be referred to Newham Local Education Authority, where councillors will consider it. If that fails the complaint can be referred to the Secretary of State for Education.