Plashet School

Community Equality Achievement


Spanish - Intent:

Learning a language helps develop both parts of the brain including analytical, logical, emotional and social skills. Studying Spanish at Plashet allows students to become confident in understanding the spoken language and taking part in the sort of conversations you might have when you go to a Spanish speaking country or meet a Spanish speaker in this country.

Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the world. It is an official language in 21 different countries with around 534 millions speakers across the globe.

Exam Board and Syllabus: AQA GCSE Spanish (8698)

The topics taught at KS3 and KS4 are based on ‘Myself and the world around me’. Students will have opportunities to communicate in Spanish with their peers, do oral presentations about ancient civilisations and research projects on how to protect the planet.

Our KS3 course aims to provide a strong foundation for students to build on at KS4. Throughout both keys stages, students continually develop and practise the key skills. Regular internal assessments reflect actual GCSE questions and feedback from teachers guides students in how to make further progress.

Useful links:

AQA | GCSE | Spanish | Specification at a glance

How students are assessed at the end of the course:

The Spanish GCSE consists of 4 exams (worth 25% each) taken at the end of Year 11: speaking,reading, listening and writing.

Home Study

Home study is set each week to consolidate students’ knowledge and understanding of what has been covered in class. Home study includes vocabulary learning, grammar and writing practice and preparation for speaking tasks. Students can also access additional support and practice questions in the Spanish area of Google Classroom.

Enrichment opportunities

Students are given opportunities to participate in extracurricular events which enable students to practice their Spanish skills. In the past this has included watching drama performances with Spanish actors, and pen pal projects. 

Learning essentials

A Spanish/English bilingual dictionary is useful for students.
