Student Leadership
At Plashet we believe that students should be given a wide range of opportunities to develop and practise skills, attributes or dispositions that will help prepare them for life beyond Plashet. Our Student Leadership activities focus on improving the quality of learning and teaching in the classroom, supporting the school’s aim to be a place where everyone enjoys learning and is creative – trying new things, finding solutions and embracing responsibilities.
The aims of our Student Leadership Programme as being:
- To empower students to work in partnership with staff towards shared goals.
- To enable creativity to flourish as the school community benefits from the wealth of experiences, ideas, skills and sense of fun that students bring.
- To provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring, challenging and valued projects which impact positively on learning, teaching and well-being for both students and staff at Plashet School.
- To prepare students for Further and Higher Education and for achieving personal and professional excellence in life.
There is a meeting programme that ensures specific and relevant issues are discussed at all levels. For example, students undergo a consultation process Registration with the main points taken by the Form reps to the Year Council. There is further discussion to establish consistent themes. The year reps who sit on the School Council are then able to present the views and thoughts of the year group with decisions made and action taken.
A number of issues and topics have been on the agenda this year:
- Eco-friendly possibilities for Plashet
- Fundraising for the British Heart Foundation
- School environment
School Leadership Team and Prefects
The Head Girl, Deputy Head Girls and Assistant Head Girls are the most prestigious roles that our students can obtain. They are required to undertake numerous public and community-related activities.
Prefects and Prefect Coordinators are Year 11 students who have undergone a rigorous selection process. They each have a range of specific duties to fulfil. Our current Head Girl, Zaineb is supported by two Deputy Head Girls; Khadijah and Denisa and three Assistant Head Girls; Sana, Aamena and Lamis. The students meet regularly with Miss Sanderson to plan events and support the student body with initiatives.
Here is a sample list of activities that the Head Students, Prefect Coordinators and prefects are required to undertake:
- Participation in Year Council and Student Leadership Team meetings. Taking positions of leadership.
- Running of focus or discussion groups with students to address specific issues, summarising the outcomes and presentation of these outcomes to the Head Teacher or Leadership Team.
- Attendance at assemblies for linked year groups when possible. Occasional running of assemblies or giving of presentations in assemblies.
- Participation in mentoring schemes for younger students.
- Attendance at school events and Parents’ Meetings.
- Attendance at Open Evenings (for Year 6 parents) to promote the school and address audiences.
- Giving tours and general public relations work with visitors to the school.
- Occasional attendance at Governing Body meetings to give updates on the views of the students.
- Maintaining a visible presence around the school and playing a role in maintaining good order.
- Participation in school development work and occasional work with outside agencies on developing the school.
- Advertising and promoting the school to a wider audience through prospectuses, visits to other schools and marketing of promotional material