Code of Conduct
At Plashet we encourage mutual respect between students and staff. Poor behaviour undermines this by damaging the trust that underpins all relationships in the school and by wasting valuable learning time. Our expectations are clearly defined below.
If the Code of Conduct is infringed, sanctions will always be fair and appropriate to the poor choices made by the individual. Families will be informed if their daughter’s behaviour gives cause for concern and the school expects to work in partnership with parents to improve the student’s commitment to learning and support her to succeed.
What follows is our set of expectations regarding student conduct, namely, that our students will behave in such a way as to:
- Demonstrate their commitment to courtesy as an important personal quality.
- Enable learning to happen.
- Promote their own achievement and that of others.
- Celebrate their own achievements and those of others.
- Reinforce our sense of all being members of a single school community by the way they treat each other. Young women at Plashet should be kind and work together to prevent meanness and bullying behaviours.
- Promote the care of the school environment and resources.
- Promote the reputation of the school in the community.
- Ensure the safety of ourselves and others.
Members of the Plashet School community should show respect, courtesy and consideration for:
- Other people, regardless of their religion, culture, race, gender, sexual orientation or ability. They should do this physically in person but also when communicating online.
- The school site, buildings and resources.
- Our neighbours and community.
- Other people’s property.
Members of the school community should, at all times, behave in a sensible and safe manner. This includes:
- not leaving the school premises during the school day without permission from both their family and the school.
- not bring cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, weapons or hazardous substances into school.
- leaving large amounts of money at home and ensure mobile phones/devices/headphones are not seen or heard whilst on school premises.
Code of Conduct Aims
To ensure that all staff have high expectations of all students and that every student has access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which meets their needs and offers opportunities to succeed.
- To ensure that Plashet School offers a safe, welcoming and stimulating environment which reflects the cultural and social diversity of our community and the gender of our students.
- To encourage all students to develop positive personal, cultural and social diversity through the valuing and celebration of achievements and of cultural and/or religious events.
- To value and reflect the linguistic, religious and cultural diversity of our school community in all aspects of the curriculum, taught and hidden.
- To promote a positive atmosphere of understanding, tolerance and respect for all members of the school community.
- To raise awareness with staff and students of discriminatory or stereotypical practices and misconceptions and to challenge them whenever they occur.
- To ensure that all students leave Plashet School equipped to pursue a fulfilling social and working life and be able to participate fully in society.
- To ensure that the taught curriculum reflects a multicultural society and world and offers students the opportunities to draw on their own experiences (and those of their families), to understand the academic and social contributions made by different groups to society and examine issues from different perspectives.
- To ensure that all members of the Plashet School community, particularly parents/carers, feel valued and welcomed in the school and be able to participate fully in school activities.
The School will:
- provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment that is true to our mission, inclusive ethos and seeks to safeguard our young women in the 21st
- support the development of your daughter by fostering the value of respect in School.
- provide an inclusive educational offer that ensures equality of access for all.
- support the development of exemplary young leaders who uphold the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association.
- encourage the highest expectations of our students. We will expect your daughter to attend school on time every day, ready to learn and keen to achieve.
- deliver a high powered, knowledge-based academic curriculum and set challenging academic targets that are appropriate to your daughter’s ability and aspirations.
- inform you on a regular basis about your daughter’s progress towards these targets, in an easily understandable form.
- ensure carefully focussed teaching and that lessons are well-planned and structured, and cater for your daughter’s specific needs and ability.
- ensure that work is assessed regularly and positive feedback is given to your daughter on their progress and how they can improve further.
- organise and deliver intervention and revision sessions for your daughter where we feel that this is needed to help them reach the best possible grades.
- offer a rich and diverse leadership programme that grows character and inspires charitable and social action.
- arrange regular opportunities to meet with teachers to discuss your daughter’s progress.
- support your daughter to use the internet safely and sensibly so that it does not bring harm to her or others.
- support your daughter to overcome any problems that hinder her learning and her personal development.
- make arrangements to meet with you within a reasonable time if you wish to come into school to discuss any matter.
Students will:
- respect the mission and ethos of the school.
- demonstrate respect at all times and follow the ‘Code of Conduct’ in my school planner.
- promote the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association and reject all forms of discrimination.
- attend every day, and arrive on time.
- dress correctly for school, including on all visits, and bring the necessary equipment each day.
- aim for the best possible standards in my studies and work to my full potential in all subjects.
- attend all intervention or revision sessions identified for me punctually.
- complete home study on time, to the best of my ability.
- care for the school environment and the environment in a wider sense.
- ensure that I use the internet safely and sensibly so that it does not bring harm to me or others.
- show my parent/carer my planner each week and remember to take home all messages, letters given by my Form Tutor and/or other members of staff.
Parents/Carers will:
- respect the mission and ethos of the school and support the school’s Code of Conduct.
- support the School by promoting the value of respect and attending parents’ events offered by the School.
- promote the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association and reject all forms of discrimination.
- support the School’s efforts by encouraging the best possible standards in my daughter’s studies.
- ensure my daughter attends school every day, and arrives on time.
- ensure my daughter punctually attends all intervention and revision sessions identified for her (these sessions are before or after school, at weekends or during school holidays).
- arrange all medical and dentist appointments after school or during school holiday time to ensure my daughter does not miss any learning time.
- organise family holidays outside of term-time so that no learning in school is missed.
- support the school’s Home Study Policy by providing a quiet working area at home for my daughter to study.
- ensure my daughter arrives at school appropriately dressed and with the correct equipment every day.
- ensure my daughter uses the internet safely and sensibly so that it does not bring harm to her or others.
- attend all meetings as needed to discuss my daughter’s progress and welfare.
- discuss my daughter’s learning/progress with her regularly and sign her planner each week.
- contact the School if I have any concerns about my daughter’s progress or welfare.
- agree that my daughter will take part in all areas of the curriculum.
- ensure the School has my/our up-to-date contact details as well as those of two other family members to enable them to make contact with me/us in an emergency.
At Plashet School we are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our students so they can learn in a safe and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Where bullying does occur, it is the responsibility of all members of the school to report any incident to a member of staff, in line with the behaviour policy, who will deal with it promptly and effectively.
Aims of the policy
- To generate a sense of ownership of the school by valuing the contributions from all members of the school community
- To ensure that our students are provided with a safe environment (ECM)
- To ensure that allegations of bullying are listened to and responded to sympathetically
- To promote the school Code of Conduct by encouraging all members of the school community to work together to minimise bullying
Objectives of this policy
- All governors, teaching and non-teaching staff, students and parents should have an understanding of what bullying is.
- All governors and teaching and non-teaching staff should know what the school policy is on bullying, and follow it when bullying is reported.
- All students and parents/carers should know what the school policy is on bullying, and what they should do if bullying arises.
- As a school we take bullying seriously. Students and parents/carers should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
What is bullying?
Bullying is the perception that there has been persistent, repetitive or intentional targeting of one person by another(s), where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Examples of bullying can be:
Emotional | Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting, intimidating (e.g. hiding books, threatening gestures/ looks) |
Physical | Pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence, threatening body language, demanding money with force |
Racist | Targeting, verbal abuse, derogatory remarks, taunts, gestures, language and behaviour causing offence on the basis of race. |
Sexual | Unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments |
Homophobic | Targeting, verbal abuse, derogatory remarks, taunts, gestures, language and behaviour causing offence on the basis of sexuality. |
Verbal | Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, gossip, teasing, abusive language |
Cyber | All areas of internet, such as email & internet chat room misuse. Mobile threats by text messaging & calls. Misuse of associated technology, e.g. camera & video facilities |
Disability | Targeting, verbal abuse, derogatory remarks, taunts, gestures, language and behaviour causing offence on the basis of disability. |
Religion | Targeting, verbal abuse, derogatory remarks, taunts, gestures, language and behaviour causing offence on the basis of religion |
Signs and Symptoms
A student may indicate by signs or behaviour that she is being bullied. The list below is not finite, but includes some signs often exhibited and which should be investigated further. These signs and behaviours could indicate other issues, but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be investigated.
- Fear of walking to or from school or pleads to be driven to school.
- Does not want to go on the school / public bus or feeling ill in the morning.
- Changes to usual routine.
- Unwillingness to go to school (school phobic) and truancy.
- Withdrawn anxious, or lacking in confidence, or stammering suddenly begins.
- Attempts or threatens suicide, self harm, runs away or unexplained cuts or bruises.
- Starting to underachieve in school work.
- Coming home with clothes torn or books damaged.
- Possessions which are damaged or “go missing.”
- Requests for money, starts stealing money (to pay bully) or monies continually “lost”.
- Coming home hungry (money / lunch has been stolen).
- Becoming aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable, bullying other children/siblings.
- Stops eating.
- Fearful or afraid to say what is wrong.
- Afraid to use the internet or mobile phone. Nervous & jumpy when a cyber message is received.
- Improbable excuses for any of the above.
Why is it important to respond to bullying?
Bullying hurts and is damaging to the education and well-being of a student being bullied. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying and everybody has the right to be treated with respect. Students who are perpetrators of bullying need to learn different ways of behaving. We have a responsibility to respond promptly and effectively to issues of bullying.
Procedures and interventions
- In line with the School Sanction system, all members of staff should be responsible for responding effectively to any incidents of bullying.
- Any incidents will be recorded by staff on SIMS, along with any steps taken.
- Incidents of bullying should be reported to the Year Coordinator or Assistant Year Coordinator.
- In cases where it is clear that bullying has taken place, both sets of parents must be informed and may be asked to come in to a meeting to discuss the matter.
- The school’s Police Liaison Officer may be consulted, if appropriate.
- The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying must be investigated fully and the bullying stopped quickly.
- An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour using the range of supportive interventions in the school including restorative justice approaches.
- Incidents of bullying towards staff, by students or parents, should be investigated by the Line Manager and if appropriate referred to the Head Teacher.
- The bully (bullies) should be asked to genuinely apologise and restorative justice approaches should be considered.
- If possible, the students will be reconciled, by a member of staff, and/or peer mediation may also take place.
- The Behaviour policy and sanctions will be invoked as appropriate.
- Where appropriate, exclusion will be considered, in line with the sanctions system
- After the incident / incidents have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored by the Year Coordinator to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.
- As part of the school’s process to monitor the effectiveness of Anti bullying intervention, after a timely period of 3 to 4 weeks but not more than half a term, the victim of the bullying will be interviewed by either Year Coordinator or Assistant Year Coordinator, the member of staff who has not been involved in the investigation, to determine how the victim feels in regard to the incident and the resolution of the matter.
- The Wellbeing Mentors will allocate a named Mentor to any student who is the victim of bullying following referral from the Year Coordinator. The student will be supported by the range of interventions provided by the school including SEND, EAL or CMD programmes, as appropriate.
Anti-bullying issues in Learning for Life
The issue of bullying is raised in Learning for Life lessons and deals with the following issues:
- Qualities of a good friend and negotiating friendships.
- Understanding bullying and why people bully.
- Cyber-bullying including malicious texts and phone calls.
- How to get help.
Students will develop the skills to recognise, manage and develop friendships. They will learn to take increasing responsibility for themselves, their choices and behaviours and therefore make positive contributions to their families, schools and communities. Students will learn how the unfavourable treatment of others around them can have a negative impact on relationships and quality of life. Students will learn to use strategies for resisting and dealing with unhelpful peer influence and pressure including bullying.
Anti-Bullying Week
Anti Bullying week will be marked in the school calendar and takes place during the autumn term. It will be the responsibility of a member of the Leadership Team to work with the appropriate Year Coordinator(s) to ensure that a range of activities are provided. Activities may include:
- In ICT lessons issues related to cyber-bullying will be raised.
- In tutor time and Learning for Life lessons, Anti Bullying issues will be the theme.
- Liaison with external organisations to support Anti Bullying week e.g. Young Minds, Beat Bullying.
- Celebratory events will also take place to promote friendship and working together e.g. poster competition, displays
All year groups will participate through year group assemblies.
Policy Responsibility – The Governing Body and the Head Teacher
The Governing Body will be reported to on an annual basis and will receive information and data, detailing the number, type, intervention and outcome of any bullying incidents in the school.
Training on bullying prevention
We are committed to continuing Professional Development in the school.
Colleagues on Initial Teacher Training programmes, Early Career Teachers and New Staff receive training as part of the School’s Induction programme. This will be undertaken by the Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Officers.
All teachers, including those joining the school mid-phase and mid-day supervisors receive training on bullying awareness and intervention on an on-going basis. Support is available through borough specialist services, CPD, INSET and regular Line Management meetings.
All students receive bullying awareness lessons during Learning for Life lessons.
All students participate in lessons as part of the ICT curriculum that raises awareness of Internet safety. Additionally year group and religious assemblies are given on matters relating to Internet safety and the risks associated with using social media.
Monitoring of Incidents & Evaluation of Intervention
Year Coordinators are responsible for overseeing all bullying incidents in their year group including the recording, monitoring and follow-up of incidents of bullying, overseen by a member of the Leadership Team.
Year Coordinators complete the Anti Bullying Monitoring and Intervention Form and this is discussed and reviewed regularly with their Leadership Team Line Manager. Additionally, there will be a formal review and report of all Anti Bullying incidents each term.
Google Classroom and Reporting of Bullying
The school uses Google Classroom as a means of sharing resources with students and all Internet use is filtered and monitored in school.
Once a year assemblies are held with each year group discussing the Designated Lead Safeguarding Officer’s role and how to report incidents. Follow-ups are regularly given through year team meetings and the Safeguarding Officer meets with Year Coordinators fortnightly to deal with and monitor any incidents.
Legislation & Guidance
Education and Inspections Act 2006 Section 89 Education and Inspections Act 2006
The Equality Act 2010
Preventing and tackling bullying Advice for head teachers, staff and governing bodies (DFE- 00062-2011)
Schools’ duty to promote good behaviour (Education and Inspections Act 2006 Section 89)
Power to tackle poor behaviour outside school (Education and Inspections Act 2006 Section 89(5))
Data Protection
This is a summary of the information the school holds about students, why it is held and the third parties to whom it may be passed on. If you would like a paper copy please contact Stephen Beach at the school.
PRIVACY NOTICE for students in schools, early years settings, alternative provision and pupil referral units
Privacy Notice – Data Protection Act 1998
Plashet School is the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act. We collect information from you, and may receive information about you from your previous school. We hold this personal data and use it to:
- support our teaching and your learning;
- monitor and report on your progress;
- provide appropriate pastoral care, and
- assess how well your school is doing.
This information includes your contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information.
We will not give information about you to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules permit it.
We are required by law to pass some of your information to the Local Authority (LA), and the Department of Education (DfE).
If you want to see a copy of the information we hold and share about you then please contact Mr. Damian Osman, our School Business Manager via
If you require more information about how the LA and/or DfE store and use this data please go to the following websites:
In addition for Secondary Schools
Connexions Services – Once you are aged 13 or over we are required to pass on certain information to the Connexions services. Connexions is the government’s information and advice service for all young people aged 13 to 19 in England.
We must provide both your own and your parent/s’ name/s and address/es, and any further information relevant to the Connexions services’ role.
However, you (if you are over 16) or your parents can ask that no information beyond name and address be passed to Connexions. Please inform us on if you wish to opt-out of this arrangement. For more information about Connexions please, please contact the Local Authority as shown above.
Student Welfare
We believe that the welfare of your child is paramount. We would like to work closely with you to ensure your child is protected at all times. We employ the following staff to support the welfare of our students:
Contact | Role |
Ms K Thakor | Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection |
Ms F Gell | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Safeguarding Officer for Year 11 |
Ms P St Louis | Safeguarding Officer for Years 7 & 8 |
Ms A Sultan | Safeguarding Officer for Years 9 & 10 |
Mr L Adegoke | Attendance Officer |
Ms Joy Gibney | Attendance Officer |
Ms F Roked & Ms S Darr | Nurses |
Ms A Khanum | Wellbeing Mentor Year 7 |
Ms N Nawaz | Wellbeing Mentor Year 8 |
Ms S Qadeer | Wellbeing Mentor Year 8 |
Ms S Altaf | Wellbeing Mentor Year 9 |
Ms R Arshad | Wellbeing Mentor Year 10 |
Ms S Webb | Wellbeing Mentor Year 11 |
Mr A Watson | Counsellor |
Like all schools in Newham, we are obliged to follow set procedures when we are concerned about a child’s welfare.
Whenever possible we would want to discuss our concern with you first. However, there may be times when our concerns are such that we will be obliged to follow the procedures laid down by the Borough’s Local Safeguarding Children Board. In the unlikely event of this happening, you might be contacted by a social worker, or someone from another agency whose job it is to investigate such concerns.
Social Time
During break and lunch time, students remain on school premises.We encourage you to apply for free school meals if you think you are eligible, as not only does your child benefit from a substantial and balanced meal at lunch, but also attracts additional funding that we can use to support your child within the curriculum.
Newham Education Service – Insurance of School Students
This note sets out for parents/carers the position regarding the insurance of students in relation to activities within the School and outside the School, whilst under the care of School Staff.
- The Council arranges public liability insurance. This means that the Council is covered for any actions of negligence by its Staff, which results in an injury, loss of, or damage to their property or to a student. In circumstances of negligence by the Council, a student may claim compensation for having suffered the injury and will receive an appropriate payment as assessed by the Insurers. This insurance covers all activities on or off School premises whilst in the care of School Staff.
- The Council has NOT arranged comprehensive insurance that will compensate for injuries or other loss that may generally occur in the course of school activities where there is no negligence by the Council’s Staff. Parents/Carers must make their own arrangements for this insurance, if they so wish.
- In the case of trips abroad, the school will take out comprehensive travel insurance for students, covering cancellation and medical treatment.
- As a reminder to parents/carers, this information will be included on the parental/carer consent forms used for school visits and trips