Introduction to Learning for Life at Plashet School.

Learning for Life aims to instill in students an awareness of their place in local, national and global communities. It teaches the values and rewards of being an active citizen and allows them to discuss political, moral and social issues happening in the world today. Learning for Life also aims to empower students to make sensible choices with regards to their health, relationships, career and study choices.

Developing students’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural awareness is also seen as a whole school responsibility. Therefore, as well as dedicated Learning for Life lessons, we are committed to all curriculum areas promoting the core values of CPSHE within lessons.

Curriculum Content


Citizenship – during Key Stage 3, students learn about what it means to be British. This learning is framed around a celebration of the freedom of democracy, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs within a multicultural community. They develop an understanding of the rights of individuals to choose and hold a range of beliefs and that these rights are protected in law.

PSHE – Key Stage 3 covers a variety of social, health and moral issues. They will be prepared for the range of physical and emotional changes they will undergo during puberty and will discuss body image in the media and its links to self-esteem. They will also learn about their role in the school community by exploring how to identify and report bullying as well as exploring issues related uses of social media. In the wider community, students will use a problem based learning approach to explore rights and responsibilities in relation to crime.


Citizenship – Students follow a scheme of learning about the Family of Nations. This allows students to learn of the role Britain has within the international community. They also explore how inter-governmental organisations work to promote diversity, rights and responsibilities and individual liberty.

PSHE – Throughout KS4, students follow schemes of learning on ‘Healthy Body and Mind and Relationships’. The aim of this learning is to foster a sense of wellbeing and self-efficacy. Students undertake a comprehensive relationships and sex education package specifically designed with the needs of our students in mind. Students also complete a programme of learning on the ‘World of Work’. This supports students in post 16 preparation.

Plashet School