Pastoral Care and Support
Young women at our school can expect the most challenging learning experiences and will receive a high level of care and support from both their Form Tutor and subject teachers. Our school is well-ordered and purposeful. We expect our students to become independent, mature and empowered, able to make informed decisions about the lives they lead whilst at our school, as well as learning how to be happy and successful in the lives they will lead on leaving us. These expectations, when added to the strong partnership into which we enter with Plashet families, ensure our students consistently outperform their peers, making us one of the most effective schools in the country. Having achieved their potential at Plashet, the majority of our students continue their learning in post-16 education. When they leave us they are confident, proud of their gender as well as their cultural and religious backgrounds and ready to grasp the opportunities life beyond Plashet offers them.
Plashet has the reputation of being a caring school. Each student belongs to one of ten tutor groups in each year and each tutor group has its own dedicated Form Tutor. We plan for this teacher to remain with their group of thirty girls for five years. The Tutor is responsible for the day-to-day welfare of their students. The Form Tutor will look at and design opportunities to develop students’ learning, track how their learning is progressing, enable them to be an organised learner and keep them informed of activities and events. It is the Form Tutor who takes registration every morning, who distributes any letters that need to be taken home by the student and is a parent/carers’ first point of contact with the school. An integral part of the Form Tutor’s role is to help students with any problems, concerns or worries.
Each year group has a Year Coordinator (YC) who leads the group of ten Form Tutors in looking after the general care and welfare of all students in the year and developing them as young women. The Year Coordinator is supported by an Assistant Year Coordinator (AYC) and together they monitor the progress of all students and disseminate data to their Form Tutors for intervention purposes. If students are experiencing learning difficulties or exhibiting issues around behaviour for learning the YC or AYC will organise specific support and intervention. The YC and AYC take an overview of the way all the students develop and make progress with their work.