French – Aims of the course
Studying French at Plashet allows students to become confident in understanding the spoken language and taking part in the sort of conversations you might have when you go to a French speaking country or meet a French speaker in this country.
French is an official language in 29 different countries and throughout the course, students will find out more about the culture and countries of French speaking people, through music, film and literature.
Within the different topics studied, students will focus on developing their listening, speaking writing and reading skills. They will become confident in giving and justifying their own opinions whilst developing an understanding of grammar and key structures.
Exam board and Syllabus: AQA French (8658)
The topics taught at KS3 and KS4 are based on ‘Myself and the world around me’. Students will learn how to talk about themselves, their family, their interests, school life and future plans etc. as well as wider issues affecting young people such as the environment and other problems society faces. Through these topics, students will acquire a wide vocabulary and develop a solid understanding of French grammar.
Students will be expected to participate actively in lessons, whether working as a whole class, in pairs, groups or by themselves. They will be encouraged to deepen their own learning using a range of reference materials and on line resources.
Our KS3 course aims to provide a strong foundation for students to build on at KS4. Throughout both keys stages, students continually develop and practise the key skills. Regular internal assessments reflect actual GCSE questions and feedback from teachers guides students in how to make further progress.
How students are assessed at the end of the course
The French GCSE consists of 4 exams taken at the end of Year 11:
– Listening (25%)
– Speaking (25%)
– Reading (25%)
– Writing (25%)
Home study
Home study is set each week to consolidate students’ knowledge and understanding of what has been covered in class. Home study includes vocabulary learning, grammar and writing practice and preparation for speaking tasks. Students can also access additional support and practice questions in the French area of Google Classroom.
Enrichment opportunities
There are opportunities to visit France. Students also have the chance to take part in our pen-friend scheme with our partner school in France. The department also benefits from a French language assistant who works with small groups of students at a time on their spoken French. Cinema visits and language projects with an international French company also take place.
Learning essentials
A French/English bilingual dictionary is useful for students.