
Dear Plashet Parents, Carers & Students,

Eid-Ul-Fitr is now confirmed as tomorrow – Tuesday 4th June 2019.

School is therefore closed for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 tomorrow – Tuesday 4th June 2019.

School will take place as normal on Wednesday 5th June 2019 and all students are expected to attend.

As an exam centre all of Year 11 have English Language GCSE Paper 1 on Tuesday 4th June in the morning and are therefore expected in school.

Some Year 11 students also have Music or Business GCSE on Tuesday 4th June in the afternoon.

Those Year 11 students who do not have an exam on Tuesday afternoon will be released to go home after their morning exam.

Best regards & Eid Mubarak to those of you celebrating tomorrow,

Mrs McGowan

Inclement Weather Alert

Friday 1st February 2019

Having reviewed all available weather forecasting for this evening and overnight I have taken the decision that the we will follow our inclement weather procedures tomorrow morning. This allows staff and students more time to get to school tomorrow in what are likely to be icy conditions.

On Friday 1st February school will start for students at 10.00am.

School will end as normal at 3.35pm for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10.

School will end as normal at 4.35pm for Year 11.

Students should wear footwear, such as wellington boots, boots, shoes or trainers with plenty of grip as well as warm coats, gloves, hats and scarves appropriate to the conditions.

152 awe-inspiring grade 9s from state school girls

#​Plashet Power

‘There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish’.

Michelle Obama

Thursday 23rd August 2018

Congratulations to all Plashet students on their outstanding results.  We are delighted that 40% of all GCSE grades have been awarded 9, 8, 7, A* or A – the top grades.  Plashet’s academic strength is especially impressive, with 105 students achieving at least one grade 9 or A*.  After weeks of waiting for their examination results, the School is proud and pleased that all of the students’ hard work over the last five years has been recognised.

In a climate when young women pursuing STEM subjects is very low nationally, Plashet is very proud that 1 in 4 of this year’s leavers achieved grades 7, 8 or 9 in 2 or more Science courses and 1 in 3 gained grades 7, 8 or 9 in Maths. A large number will go on to study maths and the sciences at A Level.

We must not forget, however, that top grades are not the be all and end all, and the School is equally proud of those girls who may not have achieved all higher grades but have surpassed their own expectations to achieve strong results – Plashet’s holistic vision of education means that we value highly those who, alongside their academic achievements, demonstrate that they are talented actors, chefs, sportswomen, musicians and artists.

Head Teacher, Rachel McGowan, said: ‘Our girls’ GCSE successes are outstanding, they have worked particularly hard in meeting the challenges of the new more rigorous GCSE examinations and this is even more pleasing because their academic work is just one of the many things they do at Plashet.

There are 268 individual stories but two that I would highlight are Noor Talib who fought cancer throughout Years 10 and 11 and still sat and gained strong passes in all 6 subjects she took and Maimoona Khan who achieved grade 9s in all eight of her subjects, in what is the toughest examination year ever for GCSE students ever.

In their time with us, this year’s cohort have grown into confident and socially aware young women. It has been a privilege for us to both teach them and learn from them and they will all, I have no doubt, excel on their journey beyond Plashet. We wish them the very best for the next phase of their journey.

I would like to thank Plashet staff for inspiring and supporting the girls, their efforts are a crucial element in ensuring that our students, year on year, achieve the outstanding results Plashet is well known for even in a year of the toughest examinations we have ever seen.’

All of examination results remain provisional and subject to change until after the enquiries about results process is completed.





Collection of GCSE Examination Results

Year 11 students will be able to collect their GCSE results on Thursday 24th August 2017 between 9.00am and 10.00am from the South Canteen.

If students are unable to attend in person they may send a family member to collect their results, providing they inform the exams officer in advance by email or letter. The email or letter needs to clearly state who is attending in place of the student and this family member will need to bring photo identification with them on the day.
Students can also request that their results are posted home on the morning of Thursday 24th August.

Any results envelopes that are not collected by 10.00am on Thursday 24th August will be held in school reception until Tuesday 29th August when they will be posted to the address we hold on file.

No results will be given out by telephone or email.

Collection of GCSE Examination Results

Year 11 students will be able to collect their GCSE results on Thursday 24th August 2017 between 9.00am and 10.00am from the South Canteen.

If students are unable to attend in person they may send a family member to collect their results, providing they inform the exams officer in advance by email or letter. The email or letter needs to clearly state who is attending in place of the student and this family member will need to bring photo identification with them on the day.
Students can also request that their results are posted home on the morning of Thursday 24th August.

Any results envelopes that are not collected by 10.00am on Thursday 24th August will be held in school reception until Tuesday 29th August when they will be posted to the address we hold on file.

No results will be given out by telephone or email.

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