
Irene Papadopoulos, Chair of Governors spent the morning of the 3rd November with staff and students looking at Mental Health and well being in the school.

Mrs Papadopoulos said that the opening presentation was informative and detailed and additionally allowed her to assess the considerable impact the school has upon mental health and safety of the students. She said that that the students were positive, optimistic role models and a credit to the school.
The chair stated that the content of the visit was outstanding.

Miss George, Deputy Headteacher

Plashet School Examination Results Press Release 25.08.16

The core purpose of Plashet School is to ensure that young women are happy and successful. Whilst exam results are not representative of the whole experience a student has during their time at Plashet, they do provide a vital passport on to life beyond Plashet’s walls and unlock the next phase of young women’s lives. At Plashet, a truly comprehensive school, this has always been a major focus but its importance has been highlighted this year in light of recent data revealing the continuing gender gap in pay and opportunity faced by women.


Plashet School’s motto is ‘working together to promote and celebrate achievement’ and this totally sums up what Plashet has done again this year as it celebrated student’s GCSE results this morning. Head Teacher, Rachel McGowan, said “I am delighted to announce that once again students at Plashet School have performed superbly in their GCSE examinations with large numbers of Plashet’s young women excelling”.

121 (or 45%) gained 10 or more GCSEs at grade C or above with 78 (or 21%) of these gaining 5 or more GCSEs at the golden A* or A grades. 24 (or 9%) young women gained 10 or more grades at A* and A including all 5 of the Student Leadership Team – Head Girl Aminah Hussan gained 10 A*s and 1 A as did both Deputy and Assistant Head Girls Meera Trivedi and Iram Faroqui with Assistant Head Girl Janvi Joshi and Deputy Head Girl Sahar Asif gaining 8 A grades and 4 A*s and 7 A grades and 3A*s respectively. Areej Javaid who also gained 10 A* and 1 A grade said she was over-the-moon.

Mrs McGowan added “31%, nearly a third, of Plashet results were A* or A grades and I believe our young women have achieved great success because they have shown fantastic resilience in their learning, never giving up when times were difficult and as a result have overcome the challenges GCSE courses present. We are immensely proud of their outstanding attitude to learning and the success this has brought them is well


The Year 11 School Prom was held at The White House in Barking Road on Thursday 14th July. A great glamorous time was had by all.

Iqra Ahmed 11H, Maryam Ali 11N, Sahar Asif 11N, Faizah Nawaz 11H, Ammaarah Saghir 11N, Maharun Uddin 11H 2-edit

Iram Farooqui 11P, Meera Trivedi 11N, Aminah Hussan 11P, Sahar Asif 11N and Janvi Joshi 11P 2-edit

Rabia Naveed, Aminah Tassawar, Ms Morgan, Annam Hassan, Meera Trivedi and Zara Pervaiz 11G 3-edit

A great day of sporting achievement for Plashet Girls on Sports Day, 14th July 2016



Plashet Wins at the Education Business Awards – Award for STEM.

Congratulations to Miss English on her dedication and hardwork. This award is well deserved.



The shortlists for the 2016 Education Business Awards, taking place on July 13 in London, have been announced and Plashet School has made the short list for the STEM Award. STEM is led by our Lead Practitioner for Science Miss Ann English. Congratulations to Miss English on making the finals.

The 21 categories represent a broad range of success stories, innovations and examples of sheer hard work and dedication from those in the teaching profession. Each shortlisted school will be in attendance for the three course awards Luncheon at the Grange Hotel, London. We wish Miss English every success.



Jeba Begum, Learning Mentor, a member of the Coaching and Mentoring Department (CMD) has been awarded a Pearson Award for Excellence in Education. Miss Begum has received the award to recognise the quality of the support, guidance and commitment that she provides for the students at Plashet School. Jeba, an English Graduate, also teaches Bengali to year 7 students at the school.

In her Learning Mentor role she supports a range of students with issues covering a variety of aspects of academic and pastoral areas such as social skills, bereavement, domestic issues, peer conflict, peer mediation, restorative justice, organisational and study skills.

Her work in the last two years in particular, with KS4, has been outstanding as she has developed the work of our Progress+ Club to support achievement at GCSE level. She has done this with determination, compassion, care and understanding to ensure that students are supported to achieve their potential.

Jeba, with her colleague Miss Knowles, developed and led 1 hour workshops covering Revision Techniques, Timetables, Exploring Learning Strengths, the Revision Cycle and Fears and Worries in Year 11. Jeba was able to use pupil premium funding to further support the students with the equipment that they needed.

Furthermore, throughout the 3 terms, Jeba ensured that all students attended subject specific clubs identified by teachers across the curriculum. Jeba was able to build effective relationships with parents to support year 11 learning after school and as such helped to support the learning of the students in a holistic way making an effective contribution to year 11 progress.

This is what the student say about the Progress+ club

“I found Progress+ gave me a quiet space to revise and receive help from the CMD staff. My grades improved from using the time wisely.”

“Progress+ motivated me to do the work I needed and I could get help when needed.”

“I would like to say thank you Ms Begum for taking the time to help us. I cannot thank her enough.”

On Friday 13th May our Year 11 Students attended their final assembly with us.

270 year 11 students all had their moment, as they received their Certificate of Achievement from The Head teacher, Mrs McGowan, Head of Year Ms Clarke and Deputy Head Teacher Mr O’Donnell


Outstanding and exceptional achievement for contribution and service to the school, Prefect Awards and attendance, were also made with Mariya Ali in 11G achieving a remarkable 100% attendance over 5 years.


Memorial awards were also made for Maths, Science, Art and the Coaching and Mentoring Department, as we remembered the contribution of teachers no longer with us.

Zainab Hussain, an ex-Plashet student who left us two years ago, addressed the students and talked about her journey through A Levels and gave an inspiring and motivational speech. Zainab will be studying Veterinary Medicine at the Royal Veterinary College.


Ms Clarke addressed her year group for the final time and wished them well for their future studies and Mr O’Donnell rounded off a fine afternoon of celebration, achievement and recognition for year 11.

Ms S George
Deputy Head teacher

On 27th April 2016 a group of Year 10 students who are studying French, travelled to stay at the Château de Warsy in Picardie, Northern France.


They participated in a range of exciting and challenging activities such as fencing, obstacle course, kayaking and canoeing.


A wonderful evening was spent beside the camp fire and the students undertook some languages activities in the nearby town, putting their knowledge of French to excellent use. Their learning was enhanced beyond the classroom walls.



Plashet School