All Parents Email Update 07.07.20
Dear Parents and Carers,
The long awaited guidance from the government regarding the full reopening of schools in September for all students was published last Thursday morning. Since that time the school has been interpreting the guidance and we are putting plans in place for a full reopening from the start of the Autumn Term.
We will be communicating our plans to you before term ends on 17th July, but suffice to say that school will be operating in a very different way from September onwards for the foreseeable future and this will require every member of our community to play their part in ensuring that we operate in a safe and purposeful way.
Currently we are:
– Amending our detailed Risk Assessment of the school site to take into account the increased number of staff and students required to be on site from the start of next term
– Evaluating a number of different organisational models to ensure that the full timetable can be delivered in a safe way and that is compliant with the government guidance.
Our email updates and website will be important sources of information between now and the end of term but also throughout the summer break as the situation is changing rapidly.
Please be aware that all girls are expected to attend school from September 2020. The government has made it clear that schools will be expected to issue Fixed Penalty Fines to the parents of pupils who are not attending.
We know that some families will be considering travelling abroad for holidays over the summer break and we want to remind you to ensure that you have returned to the UK with enough time to complete the 14-day quarantine that could well be required. If your daughter is starting in Year 7 their first school day is Thursday 3rd of September 2020 so they would need to be back in the UK by Thursday 20th August 2020. For all other year groups, the first day is Monday 7th September 2020 and they would need to be back in the UK by Friday 21st August 2020.
Thank you in advance for your support at this challenging time.
Yours faithfully,
Rachel McGowan
Head Teacher