Welcome to the final update of the Autumn Term 2020.
As I am sure you will have heard through the media, the government has announced the requirement for secondary schools to implement a staggered start to the Spring Term in January 2021.
As a result, the following arrangements will be put in place with effect from Monday 4th January 2021:
- Year 11 will be required to attend school as normal. At the end of term Year 11 girls all took home testing swab kits to administer on either 31st December or 1st January to ensure no-one comes back to school with COVID-19.
- Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be taught online via Google Classroom. Please note that registers will be taken daily at 9.00am and for each lesson. Your daughter will be following her normal school timetable. Monday 4th January is a Week B.
- We will have on-site provision in operation for some eligible students if their parents/carers wish them to be in school. This on-site provision will be for those students who have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), those students who are looked after, those students who have a designated social worker and any student who has a parent who is a key worker that can not safely study at home. If your daughter is in any of these categories please email info@plashet.newham.sch.uk by Wednesday 30th December at the latest to request an on-site place.
- For those students in receipt of free school meals we will issue a evoucher for the week beginning Monday 4th January via our provider Wonde to parents as we have done previously.
- With respect to COVID testing in school, I am awaiting further information from Public Health colleagues at the London Borough of Newham. I do know that this is unlikely to commence before Monday 11th January and I will update you when I know more.
Currently the Government is intent on schools resuming as normal for all year groups on Monday 11th January 2021. I will send another email update as and when more information is made available to me.
Thank you for your support of the school during this very difficult and uncertain time. On behalf of the staff and governors may I wish you and your families a restful and safe holiday.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Rachel McGowan
Head Teacher
Plashet School